Thread: Sm465 swap
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Old 05-24-2013, 08:17 AM   #6
burnin oil
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Re: Sm465 swap

Advance Adapters sells the 465 to 203 adapter. I have seen a couple of the factory adapters and they are rare. No way I am letting go of the one I have. Anyways on to the driveshaft question. If your shafts already fit then they will after the swap. The Tcase adapter takes up the slack and mounts the tcase back in the same place on the crossmember. Both trucks I swapped out autos for sticks were this way. If you are running the stock driveshafts with a 6" lift you probably need a new shaft anyways. The power the stick will put to the ground combined with limited spline contact on the stock shaft will definatly have a shorter lifespan.

On a side note. When I swapped out the th350 in my old blazer with a 400sb I went from 8MPG intown and 6MPG interstate to 12-14 range combined. That was with 3.07 gears though. Be interesting to see what yours does. good luck.

The swap is a bolt in. You need the entire pedal assembly under the dash. This bracket holds the vacuum booster on the other side of the fire wall. Also need the zbar and clutch linkage. Only other thing is to bypass the neutral saftey switch (jumper it by twisting the wires together) and change the plug on the reverse lights. Everything else is obvious like cutting a hole for the shifter and the clutch linkage rod (or hyd cylinder if using a late model doner). Usually the firewall is premarked for the clutch linkage. The only thing that is difficult is the Zbar is usually riveted to the frame, atleast the holes are usually already in the auto trucks frame.
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