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Old 05-25-2013, 12:01 AM   #7
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Location: Lacombe, Alberta
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Re: Opinions please!

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
because of the exposed ply edges along the length. they absorb a lot of moisture, marine grade or not. Hard wood will only have "end grain" at the ends of the boards. But, more importantly, when you cut it and rabbet it to fit under the slats that hold it down, it will very likely splinter. Just not ideal for making bed wood.
Good point. I just looked up the numbers, and in Canada the prices are fairly similar for wood vs. steel:

Cross sill (3x): $55ea
Bed strips: $120
Rr. cross sill: $55
Bolts: $45
Reinforcement strip: $120
White oak or marine
grade plywood: $150-$180

Total: $655-$685

Complete steel: $600

The local place that carries parts for these trucks is a ripoff, and that is why the wood bed stuff is so expensive, however, I can get the complete steel bed from our local auto body parts store for an ok price, plus they carry Tri-plus, which is supposed to be fairly good quality.
69 lwb project:
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