Thread: "T"case leak
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Old 05-25-2013, 07:21 PM   #3
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Re: "T"case leak

Actually I was hoping to be able to drain the tcase oil first to verify how much oil is in it because I can't verify that other leaks in other surrounding output shafts are root cause , just saying if I have to remove it again I don't want the same mistake repeated. Meaning I didn't realize the tcase was filling up with red fluid when the tranny burned out and the tranny was repaired but the tcase wasn't removed, inspected.or even discussed about possible effects from tranny burning out so it could be fine other than it has to much of the wrong oil it .Does this sound reasonable ?the t case was overhauled in the restoration of the truck so I don't know why it would leak again now except the tranny oil is much more thinner than the 90 weight and could easily penetrate those seals much more aggressively
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