Thread: fender mounting
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Old 05-26-2013, 04:18 PM   #1
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fender mounting

I'm a devil of a time getting the front fender(s) on aligned. I've attached a few pictures for your review and am needed to ask the following STUPID questions.

From what I can see and tell it seems as though the entire from inner fender are sitting correctly and I installed the rad support with the supplied washers in the OEM manual correct order.

Having said that, the lower rear of the of the ps fender is laying past the rocker panel and door edge. All the other holes are lined up along the top of the fender where she meets the inner fender,same for the holes for the font clip (bar bell support) etc.

In my VERY limited experience it seems as though the entire from of the truck needs to be raised about 1/2 inch? IS this common? Is it because more shims are needed under the rad support?

Any pointers you can give would be great.
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