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Old 05-26-2013, 09:01 PM   #7
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Re: Quench area and HHead Milling

Originally Posted by T Smith View Post
The "goal of quench distance" has nothing to do with the location of the valves. The "effect sought by good quench distance" it to create turbulence in the combustion chamber to promote a better burn and help eliminate hot spots and even out combustion chamber temps. When the piston comes up it "squishes" the mixture between its top and the flat part of the head next to the combustion chamber, this is the quench. The mixture gets squished from this tight area over into the combustion chamber creating the turbulence. Proper quench will allow you to run a bit more compression, too much quench will be prone to detonation regardless of the compression.
Yet from my research it's largely the valve piston interaction that creates the turbulance that we're looking for... And we agree the turbulance allows for gas movement and lower temps to put off detonation.

I mean think about it. Is there more turblance simply because the area is smaller? Or maybe because of the movement (of the valves) in a smaller area..

Anyways, I guess it's just food for thought. My thought at least, as I'm building my engine right now. Plan to drop it in in 3-4 wks. My quench is .050
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