So, it seems I have come to the end of my ~2 month hiatus. During the break I managed to go to Ireland with the wifey for 10 days (absolutely gorgeous place) and get a new job (waaay less stress, better pay, better hours, and I enjoy it :smokin: ).
Spent 1/2 the day Saturday cleaning the garage. It seriously helps soo much the next day when you get to lay on a semi-clean floor and know exactly where all of your tools are.
Here is a pic of the Leaf spring sliders assembled, but with the spacer on the outside of the bracket so you can see what it looks like when it is inside the slot.
Got the front and rear leaf spring hangers mostly installed. But I am now having some serious doubts that it will be low enough... (yes, you guys were probably right about the D60 being quite a bit taller) Right now I just have the main leaf and a body mount puck in there to take up the gap for the missing leaves.
The only way to really know is to put the full leaf pack in tomorrow and get the whole truck's weight on it.
Suspension Compressed:
Drooped (It droops further if you put weight on it):
And just because I thought it was a cool pic. D-side up, pax side no tire and drooped. No rubbing.
If I am OK with the ride height, tomorrow I plan to final weld and assemble the suspension then build bumpstops/engine xmember, shocks, brakes, etc, etc.