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Old 05-27-2013, 11:54 PM   #7
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Re: 54/S-10/Square Body!

Don't use the s-10 or the 87 title. You are asking for trouble. In most, if not all states, the vin belongs the the cab. It is illegal to swap vin's from one cab to another. If you swap from a 54 to another 54 no one will ever know the difference but if you used either of the other titles you would be pretty unhappy if you ever got pulled over. Your finished pride and joy would be confiscated and you'd lose it. Its not worth it. If you do have a serial number plate in the drivers door jamb try your hardest to get a title for that. Most the time its not as hard as you think. Like LLLosingit said, you can get a bonded title. Here in MN all you have to do is fill out a form and have the vin checked by the state patrol. You should probably just call or email the DMV for your state and ask some generic questions.
My 1950 Chevy build
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