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Old 05-28-2013, 12:03 AM   #6
SS Tim
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Re: 8 lug brake upgrade options?

What kind of condition is your current braking system in? From your earlier statement it sounds like it needs help. You should be able to sit at a stop light with only moderate pressure. Are you rear shoes adjusted properly? Do you have good, clean, brake pads and shoes, not some "lifetime" product? Is your booster in good condition? Is it getting enough vacuum? Seems like a lot of people want to change brakes out for a perceived problem that can probably be traced to poor parts choices or maintenance.
Before I'd spend the money to modify a brake system I would want to baseline the stock brakes with quality premium parts.

Disc brakes became standard in 71. It looks like that inked front kit is for adding discs to an earlier truck bringing it to the 71-72 standard.

There are a couple of rear disc kits and adapters out there for the GM 14 bolt axle that can be used/adapted to a HO52. They use 3/4 ton 4x4 rotor and car calipers if you want a mechanical park brake. Since these are pretty much a poor choice in a car for a park brake I cannot recommend their use in a truck or suburban. But something not even addressed is if you have a HO52 or a Dana 5500 (aka60) rear axle.
Any disc brake kit would be very different between the two.
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