This was my very first car/truck that was given to me by my Dad. It was my grandfathers. I fixed it up the best I could in high school working at a body shop and engine repair shop learning the tricks of the trade. I had a wreck my senior year which bent the frame and left front fender was totaled. Over the next year, I found a replacement frame and my body shop boss repainted it for me. I had started working on the interior and pulled all the wiring etc out. Then I got married...
Since then it has set most of the years in a garage. I had a few bad years where I had to keep it outside which kills me now that happened.
Now its time for me to either fix her up or find a good home for her. Its amazing how much resources are out there now compared to 20 years ago. I have been able to locate online just about everything I need except for some of the factory AC dash parts. I have not bought anything yet, just trying to get a gut check on how much all of this is going to cost me. I'm willing to put in 10k no problem. I will have to start thinking hard above that.
The engine is a 327 with 202 Fuelie heads. I bought the heads off a guy that needed the cash for $100 back in the 80's. The engine and heads were totally rebuilt and have less than 100 miles on them, no telling if it still runs though. I put a Turbo 350 transmission in it as well.
My challenges, I have no tools at all. I do have a 3 car garage where I can allocate 2 bays for the rebuild. I would like to do a off frame restoration. Some of the things scare me like wiring harness and all the factory AC stuff.
The truck has some sentimental attachment of course. One of the reasons I have kept it all these years. It looks like I have come to the right place for knowledge and hopefully some guidance if I am over my head on this or not. Looking forward to getting to know everyone if I decide to move forward and the journey it will bring.
Now for the pictures!
Oh boy
Extra NOS parts and swap meet boxed stuff I finally got out tagged and bagged.