3-On-The-Tree; Post adjusment question
So i rebushed the linkage, cleaned up and greased the column, adjusted the bottom bearing. Hurray, I can get into and out off all of the gears.
My question is that it seems too solid.... I'll try and articulate this....
So lets say I'm in N, headed to 1, clutch in, pull shifter back, pull shifter down and then, here's what I'm not sure is odd or not: when i reach the bottom of the easy travel, i have to apply some seemingly excessive extra force to get it to go into gear. Happens in 2 and 3 also. It navigates the channels just fine but really requires some umph to get it into gear.
Could I have adjusted that lower collar too tight? something else? Working as intended?
Its perfectly mobile, but it seems out of sorts to me.