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Old 05-29-2013, 09:46 AM   #1
The Older Generation

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Location: Montezuma, Iowa
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Makin' Some Progress On The 4x4 Longhorn

(original thread here)

I'm not moving forward as fast as I had hoped but I am getting some things done on it. The weather has been really crappy here.

The first order of business was to fix the problems caused from improper assembly by the PO, i.e... driveshaft in backwards, steering column in upside down, and heater box assembled incorrectly. I have all of that corrected plus the rear slider and windshield installed. Blasted, painted, & installed the master/booster ass'y. Disassembled and freshened up the instrument cluster and installed it and the new dash pad. Bolted on some small parts like battery box, accelerator pedal ass'y, throttle cable, etc. I am planning on getting the engine finished up and fired in the next few days so I can move it around without having to push it.

Sorry about all the crud. I had to sand and polish around the window openings before I put the glass in and I didn't get it cleaned up before I took the pics.

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