05-30-2013, 12:37 AM
The Older Generation
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Montezuma, Iowa
Posts: 26,098
Re: Makin' Some Progress On The 4x4 Longhorn
Originally Posted by SS Tim
Thanks Leon. Just trying to keep people informed as always. Treat it within the published K20 loads and everything should be fine. That frame is well done from what I can see and should be a trouble free addition to your truck. If you think of it I'd like to see the backup they used inside the rails.
That white truck is nice, but driver nice and somedays I really kick myself for not just buying it. Somehow I convinced myself a true NAPCO was in my future. If you want more pictures there are a couple more I can post or send.
Unless I missed it somewhere, is your truck a 71 or a 72? What are the trim and color plans, solid paint Cheyenne with parchment buckets maybe?
I'll see if I can remember to get a couple of pictures of the inside of the frame. If I remember correctly the frame is '70 and the cab & bed are 72. It is titled as a '70.
Interior will be black because the new black dash pad and door panels came with it. I have a couple of options for the seat as pictured below. The '69 Suburban came with an extra black pickup seat so I can use it or recover the buckets and use them.
Originally Posted by Expat_dude
Nice progress!
Originally Posted by Ol Blue K20
I can't wait to see that puppy done, I think it's gonna be sharp!!! 
Thanks. I need to burn some midnight oil...
Originally Posted by big mike71
I can't wait to see it at the All Truck Nats Leon.
We'll see how that works out Mike.
Originally Posted by Spartan
LockDoc - I forgot to ask ^ that windshield looks new. What brand if ya don't mind? I need one and so far haven't found an OEM in good shape nearby. Was thinking maybe something new. Can't afford NOS but that in soft-ray would be me concourse fantasy.
I didn't ask the brand. It was $95 cash & carry. That is the 5th one I have bought from the same shop. They have worked good for me and I like the shaded & tinted ones.
Last edited by LockDoc; 05-30-2013 at 08:05 AM.