Originally Posted by Koffer
Its a 552 for both or you can go with a EL12 (electronic flasher) or a LF12 ( loud) or a LL552 ( long life )
OK FWIW here is what I found out with my 77 P/U. First off the truck is
in storage and hard to get to but I did manage to get the driver side door
open and look at the fuse panel. It looks to be the same as "motornut's"
picture. It does indeed have two "552" in it which really surprised me expecially for the turn signal flasher. I was always told that the "552" was
for "hazard flashers only". What complicates the matter is when I openned
my parts book and looked at group#2.892 it shows the turn signal flasher to
be a "224" which would make more sense to me as that was a common two
lamp system for almost all the older Chevrolet's. AFAIK my fuse panel has
never been changed as truck is all original with low miles on it. The last time
I ran the truck the turn signals blinked on too fast. I have both replacement flashers so next time will test them out. Any other ideas are welcomed. Thanks to all. Larry