I continued to rip out the carpet in the K5 today and I found some depressing stuff. First thing, there were 2 complete sets of carpet. The new carpet was on top of the old carpet and even worse all of that was on top of the original insulation/padding and the padding was wet which of course caused RUST!
See the pics below but the back half isn't that bad, it has some rust near the tailgate but nothing all the way through. The major rust is where the rear floor pans are or where the back passengers put their feet and also right where the door closes.
Today I took a grinder with a scotch pad and started grinding away. It came out okay but I just wanted to see what needed to be done. I know i'm going to need parts of new floor pans some welding and when it's all done i'll cover it in Polyurea.
Anyone ever replaced their floors? Any tips? Any recommendations on a paint?