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Old 05-30-2013, 10:59 PM   #4
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Re: 1986 Chevy K5 - Project Lost and Found 6.2LS 6L80E NP205

I took some 36 grit sanding pads on my grinder and removed the rest of the paint on the passenger side floor. First thing I learned is even if the paint looks fine there could still be rust underneath. I honestly thought of only grinding the areas that had exposed rust or bubbled paint but I am glad I went ahead and stripped it all. There were some places that looked perfect but after the sanding disc went over it I found some rust, nothing bad but rust none the less.

I have everything to the point now where I need some floor pans to measure what exactly I need to cut and what I can leave alone. The good news is the 2 pieces that need to be cut near the back of the floor are square so I could just patch them with some sheet steel but because of the damage so close to the door I will just go ahead and get a replacement pan.

I also checked the drivers side a little and everything looks great except where the floor and the piece under the rear window come together, it's gone completely but should be easy enough to fab up a replacement piece for it.

Anyway here are the pics from today.

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