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Old 05-30-2013, 11:03 PM   #9
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Re: 1986 Chevy K5 - Project Lost and Found 6.2LS 6L80E NP205

So I called everywhere I could think of including Advance Adapters and no one had or was willing to create an adapter for a 6L80E to an old school race track pattern NP205.

If no one makes it and no one is willing to create it the only other option is to learn CAD Design :-)

So I learned how to use the CAD software and build the adapter I needed last night. I'll be taking it to my machine shop today to get it done in Steel.

The adapter is a 2 piece design that allows a rigid mount on the transmission side then a clockable ring on the t-case side. When it is installed I will have the ability to mount the transmission to the cross member like stock but then clock my T-Case in 15 degree increments so I can have a nice flat under belly. It will also allow for a full 1 5/8" of engagement into the t-case.

Here are some pics of the design.

Transmission Adapter...

T-Case Adapter...
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