Originally Posted by bubba327
Hey another Lola.. 
Daughter named her truck LOLA cuz we transgendered it from a 3 speed on the tree to an automatic.
Remember the Kinks classic hit L-O-L-A ,Lola..
she wanted classic license plates "Lowla" but changed her mind when she had to buy the tags and plates at DMV..
Gonna have to watch this build progress , looks good so far..
welcome to the fun!!
Yeah, fiance named it. I do know the song. Thats so funny I was showing her the song and she said it was fitting because, as she sits she is a homely "girl". Great minds think a like as far as the plate goes. Had that in mind since she named it. Even went to a site that will show you what your customized plate will look like. I thought I was being extremely clever....