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Old 06-02-2013, 12:52 PM   #7085
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Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Pulled and cleaned the auxiliary tanks. The insides weren't too bad even though they haven't been used in almost 8 years according to the PO. Seafoamed the inside to clean any trash out which was minimal and then sprayed the outside with Rustoleum Flexseal to clean them up a bit and refresh the look. Also replaced all the hoses to the fuel switch from them. Also had to replace the lock sets on the fuel doors as the PO didn't have the keys. Easy enough, just used some stainless mailbox locks from Home Depot that were keyed alike. Turned out pretty good and glad to have them functional again. I was surprised to see they were only 16-17 gallons each though. Its nice to drive around and not watch the fuel gauge go down.

Owner: Times Are Tough Toys
92 4 Runner (Joyce, long story from my time in Africa) Lotsa stuff, just about finished dumping money into it.
89 Mercedes 560 SEL, Merdle. Wrecked
71 Chevy K20, Clifford, BB and 1 Tons
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