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Old 06-02-2013, 05:07 PM   #1
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Heater/AC motor not blowing

95 ECSB 5.7L auto.

Ok, here's what it's not:
Blower motor
Control unit
Blower motor resistor
Hi blower relay

I've replaced or tested all of these pieces. When the blower is on high, I get no voltage at the blower motor. When on any other setting, .8 volts or so.

I'm stumped. The fuses look good too. I have power at the control unit (it's brand new, and I've tried 3 different ones with the exact same results.

One thing to note: Before it completely stopped working, it would work for a bit then stop for a bit. Once off for a while, it would then start working again.

I'm thinking there's another component somewhere that isn't listed on the schematic I have from the Haynes manual.


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