Thread: Greg's 50 Build
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Old 06-03-2013, 08:09 PM   #52
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Re: Greg's 50 Build

Originally Posted by 99 to Life View Post
luv your truck man, hey a breakdown, push start and running like shizzat is all apart of the game. Wish I had time to head to some shows. though alot of small town shows its kinda hard to want to go especially with a patina truck. most people just don't get it. they def like the trucks usually but I can't stand explaining why it's not painted LOL.
Its easy for me to explain why its not painted since everything is original except the seats and wheels. Once I get all the good stuff under it like you I'm sure questions will come. Nice paint will come for me but it will be very last. As for the break down and stuff, at the time I was a little embarrassed because it broke at the show surrounded by so many nice cars but now I'm laughing it off. I do think I have narrowed by problem though. I was about to get the battery to charge on a charge so its my charging system. I just hope that the generator isn't bad because I don't want to throw any money at temporary parts and I can't afford all the stuff for a 12 volt conversion yet.
My 1950 Chevy build
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