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Old 06-04-2013, 09:27 AM   #3
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Re: Gas Mileage/ Top End Speed for 72 C20

WELCOME!!! First thing is "We need pics".I just wanted to get that in since it will come up.Second,it sounds like it's in good tune.Being a C20 it may have lower rear gears.Jack it up and rotate the tire one full turn while counting revolutions of the driveshaft.I'm guessing you will get between 3-4 driveshaft rotations to tire rotations.If your truck is an auto 3:07/8 would be normal factory gears though others were optional.You can swap rear ends faily inexpensively or spend more and go to an auto OD.Tire size also plays in the equation.Look in the glovebox door and see if the SPID is still there(it's a label with specs on your truck).You should have codes for trans and rear gears(if optional) and someone can decode it for you.We can better help you achieve your goal from there.
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