Thread: CA Odds and ends
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Old 06-04-2013, 11:41 PM   #25
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Re: Odds and ends

Originally Posted by Fesser View Post
Thanks much. I will get it out soon. Do you have a build thread for the truck? I looked at the picture links. That color should be very noticeable.

I don't have a build thread. The yellow, subsequently Red truck was a different 67 truck. It was painted in rustoleum safety yellow and subsequently, safety red. The paint laid down nice for what it was. It was just something for my son and I to play with. I sold it and my 65 Chevelle conv when we came down on deployment orders in 2011. We ended up not deploying at the time. I replaced the Chevelle with the 57 Chevy.

I actually found the blue 67 on Craigslist in Reno and had it shipped to my house in Tacoma for when I get back to FT Lewis. I haven't seen it yet.

It's going to be stock height (may swap-in 3/4 ton springs), stock wheels and stock dog dish (when I find a set). Eventually my son and I will re-paint it a factory color. I may eventually replace the engine and trans with a LSx/4L60E, but other than that and a set of sway bars, it will be pretty much stock.
1970 2WD K5
1968 Camaro Conv
1967 Chevy SWB
1964 Malibu SS
1957 Corvette
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