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Old 06-05-2013, 01:04 AM   #4
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Re: Exhaust mainfold and downpipe connection

I believe it has a "doughnut" style , but if your fighting the rust monster you may want to look into taking it to a local independent exhaust shop and have them replace the studs and fix it (theres a couple of good shops in Hamilton ) or if your not using it as a DD you might want to look into doing historic QQ plates so you don't have to deal with the "fun" called the NJMVC inspection stations anymore
Originally Posted by dzwestwindsor View Post

I have a 71 chevy c20 with a 350

According to the inspection station, I have an exhaust leak. It's pretty obvious because the downpipe connecting to the exhaust manifold can be pivoted and moved around a little, since the bolts holding it on aren't tight.

This image (found on another thread) shows the connection between manifold and downpipe:

However, I'm having trouble getting the bolts off- they are essentially fused together because of the rust. So before I spend more time trying to get them to move, I'm wondering if there's a gasket in between the manifold and the downpipe, that i would need to order? I want to order it before hand so I can save some time, but I'm not sure if a gasket even goes in between there?


'77 P10 (GMs late 60s thru the 70s truck spare parts bin model )
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