Originally Posted by skorpioskorpio
Right hand drive, brake is still on the left and gas on the right, and I'm pretty sure the turn signals are still on the left, so I'm guessing a column shifter would be on the right, but I'm not sure I've ever seen a right hand drive vehicle with a column shift, just not a very common thing.
I'm digging the opposed wipers though, I'm thinking about doing that to mine, though I would have thought they would be longer and overlap. Interesting to see one that uses the mystery wiper hole.
The column shifter would be on the left side of the column. It's a converted truck, not factory RHD.
All factory RHD column shift cars (not just C10's) have the shifter on the left of the column, indicator on the right. Pedal setup is the same as LHD form left to right: Clutch, brake, accelerator.
Here's my factory RHD C10. Whilst it was converted to floor shift by a previous owner, it was an original column shift (and will be returned to such by me). Shifter is on the left of the column, indicators on the right.
... and factory KPH speedo