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Old 06-05-2013, 05:25 AM   #11
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Re: Aussie right hand drive

Originally Posted by Russ.W. View Post
The column shifter would be on the left side of the column. It's a converted truck, not factory RHD.

All factory RHD column shift cars (not just C10's) have the shifter on the left of the column, indicator on the right. Pedal setup is the same as LHD form left to right: Clutch, brake, accelerator.
Now this is all very interesting, a little reading seems to indicate that European and UK cars almost universally share a column between their LHD and RHD versions, meaning both Europe and the UK put the turn signals on the left regardless of drive side. The exception to this seems to be the Japanese who swap configurations for domestic market vehicles. Is it possible that these are so uncommon that they are essentially hand fabricated and differ from one to the next? Does the fact that one is an auto the other a manual make a difference in handedness? To move a 3 speed column shift to the habitual shift hand seems like could be done by turning the column upside down, which wouldn't work for an auto.

I also notice the the drivers side wiper sweeps to the outside on the drivers side using opposed wipers on this Aussie truck and sweep both to the passenger side on Russ's truck which would seem like the wrong way. The other thing that is interesting is that Russ's truck has a Kph speedometer, so does this mean it was intended for the Japanese, India or maybe African markets? UK still uses Mph and Australia didn't mark roads in kph until 1974 though vehicles were required to have dual markings in 73 and some 72s did as well but none exclusively until 1974.
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