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Old 06-05-2013, 10:03 PM   #39
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Re: Project: AREA|51 [OCD meets ADD]

Ok while This was all going on, I have been in search of a new welder...

This is what I had.

A 1,000lb P&H 300Amp welder.

It was amazing, but would blast holes in 1" steel. It was horrable on any small metals. So sheetmetal was out of the question.

Put it up on Craigslist for trade.
Sure enough a guy called!

So here is the tricky part, how do you get a 1,000lbs fridge sized welder into the bed of a truck?

The inside was all copper bars! had to be $350 in scrap alone haha

Rigged up a engine hoist and crossed fingers.

Got it into the bed, it was about an hour drive out for the trade, but he did pay for the gas.

This is what I traded for, a Working new'ish Farm Hand welder... ( Cambel housfeld ) obscure brand. but a solid little 110V welder.

After using it for a bit, it felt so underpowered.

So I dug out some electronics I had in stock to beef it up a little

Step one I installed infinite heat control, via a SCR mounted inside on the primary of the transformer. I also put on matching knobs. I think it turned out great.

More to come on that... here is where the ADD part kicks in.
“A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.”
― Albert Einstein
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