Ok, now back to the welder.
Decided to upgrade the tiny little fan, with a little overkill haha
And here is the new 'beffy' power supply I built for the welder.
( insert Tim Tayler grunts )
The little welds are the stock 120 welder at Max power. The monster welds are my new supply at 1/2 power
I wanted better heat control, so I started gather parts to build my own switching power supply.
Threw a schematic together and set to work.
Here she is all built up.
The gauge is setup to show 0-200Amps that is always live, so it allows you to adjust the knob and see what amp range it will output.
Fan cooled

, the heat sink is from an old Pentium Slot 1 possessor.
Next built myself a welding cart from an old AV cart, and beefed up the casters.
Wired in the new controller.
You can also see the crude cover I made for it.
All of the lower high current side.
2/0 Wire.. overkill? nah haha
I am using the 110V welder as just a feeder.
This just looks funny for some reason lol
And BAM, shortly after first weld, 2 of the Large 200Amp diodes failed on me.. grr. so Time to dig out some spares I have.
That is about all I have been up to for now.
More soon as I get the welder finished.