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Old 06-06-2013, 04:11 PM   #12
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Re: Loosing Chinese Rally hub cab

I hate to hear about this, I've decided to use the Chevy rally wheels on my '53. I would like to use the 2" wide trim rings and police caps, and I've talked with Summit Racing as they sell what I need at a good price. They tell me that they are not sure, but they believe they are from Wheel Vintiques, but Summit would guarantee them as they sell them. I've heard more that once about bad CS from WV. The way that businesses do business, if I have an issue with a product, I take up that issue with the person who sells the product, not the manufacturer. When I was setting up my rear suspension, I bought a rear spring/shock kit from a local speed shop, but it was made by Chassis Engineering, and was to be dropped shipped from them to me. After 3 months of waiting for my parts, I told the speed shop that I needed my money returned (because I paid them, not CS), thats when things got moving, and within a week i got my parts.
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