battery drain?
ok...before any of youll jump me... i know i have discussed this before. i tried disconnection the neg battery cable and connecting a multi meter between it and the battery. also tried between pos and battery. both read 12+ volts, which is same reading i got when connecting the multi meter from post to post. i know i have something draining the battery, i tried pulling the fuses to see which circuit it was, but with the multi meter connected the volts wouldnt change. should i have it on volts or amp? or what? something didnt seem right, it looked to me like there was 12 volts always draining from the battery.. may i am stupid or something...... somebody... preferrably wiser than i am please help me out here............
1982 Chevy Silverado 350/th350.... RETIRED
1993 Jeep XJ 2 door(Cherokee) 4wd 4.0ltr/AX-15 (5spd)/NP231
Oklahoma Roll Call