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Old 06-07-2013, 02:30 AM   #1
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Location: Wichita, KS
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Where to set timing and other questions

Ok guys, I recently inherited my grandfather's '79 GMC Sierra and I was hoping you guys could help me out with a few questions I have. YES.. I did try the search function before posting this but I didn't find all of what I was looking for.

1. The truck has a GM Goodwrench 350 crate motor in it. It was put in there back in the 80's I believe. It isn't heavily cammed or anything like that. Pretty much stock everything from what I can tell other than a Edelbrock carb.

Where should the timing be set at for pump gas 87 octane?

2. I was thinking about lowering the truck, but I don't want to cut or notch the frame. What's the lowest I can go, but still have a usable bed for hauling stuff like furniture when needed.

3. I know this truck used to have some stickers at the end of the truck bed on either side but I don't remember what they said. Anybody have any idea what the stickers might be and where I could possibly get some replacement ones. I'm thinking this is a Sierra classic, but I'm not sure how to tell.

Thanks in advance...

Here are some pics:

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