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Old 11-25-2003, 03:56 PM   #18
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Originally posted by LowSeventy
I have hauled numerous heavy loads with my 6" drop Ealry Classic kit and never bottomed out yet. I asked them when I bought th kit if I needed to C-notch the frame and they said not to do it. Stan there told me if I take my rear coils out and set the frame down on the axle tubes, that there would only be a little over an inch of clearance before the rear end the bed floor. He said it's even worse with a wood floor, something like 3/4". I don't know how these guys are notching their frames without raising up their bed floors. Any input?
the c-notch only gives you another 2 inches, I layed the axle in the notch and I dont think I will have problems with the bed floor because the cross sills set the floor higher then the frame itself. But I wont know for sure till I get that far on my project. But when I had that problem with my 78(built it 12 years ago) which had a flip and 2" blocks and a c-notch, I had to build a box for the diff. pumpkin to clear.
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