A lot of folks are in the dark on Oregon, he'll most can't even pronounce the name properly ? Every time I hear some one call it OR O Gon I want to scream ! I ask people back east on trips to explain where Oregon is located and you can't believe the answers ? Yes it is wet, but that is along the coast and inland until you hit the mountains, the central and eastern areas are quite dry most of the year. I have 3 67-72 pick-ups, all bought in Oregon, I am on the east side where there is no rust at all to speak of, but two of mine have the typical rocker problems, but my 68'GMC has not a speck, came from the Boise, ID area. Being from Florida originally I just love the state and welcome you to come visit us, we have a lot to show you, this state is big and beautifull. I wish everyone a great weekend .
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