Originally Posted by clemdaddy
i'm in for this one... gonna be fun to watch.
nothing better than family built, it comes from the heart.
good luck to you guys.
Originally Posted by JWheeler331
Looks like a fun build. I know your grandfather will be proud to see you and your father taking enough interest to fix up his old truck.
Originally Posted by timmytimm3
I'm in the process of rebuilding my Father's old 66 c10. I'm definitely in for this one!
Thanks guys! Please put a link to your truck in your signatures (if there isn't already one) so I can follow your builds as well!!
Originally Posted by Low Elco
Looks like fun! Judging from the dragster headers, are you gonna recam that 415 to knock it back for the street? Oughta be a good build!
I'm hoping I can get away with leaving it as it is!

but I might have to recam it. The guy who built it told me it made around 450HP and about the same in torque. I can't wait to drive it!
I finished tearing out the carpet... and found a few cracks in the floor as well as some rust that needs repair.
OH and whoever decided to spot weld these fuel tank brackets... grrrrrrrrr