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Old 06-08-2013, 08:35 AM   #7152
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Thumbs up Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Replaced the broken shock mount ~

Pix attached . not sure why I can't put text between each picture

Pic. # 1 shows the eye ripped out .

Pic # 2 shows me holding the new/used shock mount next to the bad one , Pic. # 3 shows the job all done , took about 35 minutes all told .

The DPO replaced the rear shocks and discarded the original hardware and fitted Metric bolts that were too thin so the shock was able to move a bit , in time this wallowed out the mount's eye and I ripped it out tearing up those back roads near Sequoia a few weeks ago (Google Ca. Rt. 245 , it's nice)

Then I got the new/used junkyard mounts , I grabbed not only the mounts but the big nuts that hold them on and all the shock bolts ~ this is why I don't patronize regular junkyards , they're sloppy and never save the hardware , all too often DPO's / DPM's are clueless and discard the better quality correct original hardware for shiny new junk .

Pretty much everything they touched on this poor old truck , they either did wrong or damaged , sometimes I think they didn't like working on it and deliberately damaged or screwed up everything they touched .

So far , the sintered steel exhaust donut hasn't leaked one bit , I'm well pleased as it's blown out quite a few since I bought this rig and the underhood puttering noise irritates me .

It rides nice and tight again , just so make sure I flew it across a couple intersections with rain control trenches and it was fine .

Sorry for the crappy pix , I was using my iPad thingie .
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'49 3100 235 W/ Muncie SM420 SOLD
'69 C/10 shortbed sidemount survivor 250 L6 W/ 350TH
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