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Old 06-08-2013, 05:05 PM   #23
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Re: Whats the value of your truck?

Also I'll will say this, yes we are a society that uses catch phases and like we can say what we think. Actually that is only true in a sense we forget that our history is filled with people that no doubt their freedom of speech was freedom of death. We don't like the truth so we come up with catch phases to hide the ugliness behind what freedom of speech and thought really mean. The truth is yes you have those freedoms but that does not mean those freedoms come without consequences. Everything has a cost.

Being judgmental and making blanket statements about other peoples rides is your right, but that does not mean you will not offend people or someone will respond negatively. They have rights also, the right to do what they want with their cars. If you step on their freedom you are also stepping on your own. Freedom for everyone not just the ones I Once again I support any rodder who picks up a tool with the intent to build the car of his dreams, not my dream his dream.

Then again I consider myself an intellectual and maybe I just think too
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