OK Guys.
This is my issue; I picked up my 1965 GMC and had it towed home. It has been at the local High School as a class project. They installed a late 60's 283 that was rebuilt to 327.
They have everything done with the exception of the wiring that runs from the ignition to the Battery, Alternator, Voltage Regulator, over to the coil, (If it does that.) and down to the starter.
They disconnected all of the wiring that was on the old 305 V6 and it is still there but I am not sure what I have to do in order to properly hook it all up. Can I use the stuff from the old V6 or do I start form scratch? I am kind of at a loss. I can do wiring, but am not sure of myself when dealing with a harness of wires that run in all different directions. It may be easier than it looks but it seems a bit overwhelming.
Is there any way to get a decent diagram? I cannot find anything online and a Chiltons from that era is tough to get.
Thanks much for any help that you all can provide.