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Old 06-08-2013, 08:24 PM   #13
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Re: rear end question

Originally Posted by j_cifelli View Post
Bottom line should I pay for the rear end to be rebuit or order something else? If not rebuilt then order what? Also keeping in mind I want to put 35s on the truck
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It depends. What do you do with the truck? If you just put around town never going off road or trying to go fast, the stock open carrier will serve you just fine.

However, if you put your truck in situations where you need increased traction and/or putting a lot of power to the ground then invest in one of these carriers.

Then you will need complete bearing and seal kit. Like one of these.

These parts are for a 12 bolt rear end, so you would be to be sure what rear end you have. If you want to change gear ratios this is a go time to do so. However, if you are 4wd that will require you to change the gear ratio in the front end.

There are a TON of options when it comes building a rear end so do your homework.
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