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Old 06-09-2013, 11:00 PM   #451
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Re: 1949 Chevy 3600 into a daily driver

Weekend in the life of Henry!!

Friday of course we picked up our engines, intake and headers. We also swung by the local Scrap metal place to take a peak. Scored an old AD windshield mounted rear view mirror and some old Desoto hub caps to hang on my garage wall. Score!!

Saturday was a busy day. Trip to the dump with used oil jugs, and a bed full of grass clippings.

My wife and my youngest (Colton) were sitting on Henry between errands because he is obsessed with it!! Only 1, but already hooked on old trucks!!

Then it was off to my in laws farm to haul the motors to for storage. My wife drove our other truck out with the engines in the bed and later my older son, Ryder, and I came out in Henry.

Unfortunately after 12 miles of 65mph.......we got hot. Had to sit by the road for awhile until it cooled down. Not a huge deal. Beautiful day!!

Same thing happened on the way home.

Local radiator shop wants $100 to rod the stock radiator......think I am going to buy a 4 core alum and call it good.

Today I spend some time tinkering. Installed the bump stops in the rear notch. Made some speaker boxes for a couple 6 x 9's I had ordered and wired them in.

Made a quick trip to the storage unit with my Wife and Colton. She has not sat that close to me since high school!!

Finished off the night giving him a bath..........on a beautiful evening!!

1949 Chevy 3600

"Adventures of Henry"
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