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Old 06-10-2013, 05:53 PM   #19
High ho silverado
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Re: 83 Chevy Shotbed Silverado 4x4 6.0 swap

I used the schoenfeld headers for a 88 up, under 300 shipped, they were close to the trans on right side but not to bad, I was working with them on a 4 wheel drive set but they decided these were good. As far as gauges go I used the stock 90-91 burban gauges and t-case. For temp gauge I used the stock sender for a ls1 trans am as they have a 3 wire set up and work with my stock temp gauge. Then used a factory sender for oil pressure in the back of block with an adapter. U can put it in the oil cooler block off plate too which I suggest because of firewall. Everything works perfectly. I'm not a fan of gauges hanging off the dash. Hope this helps and yes it has more power than it needs that's for sure!
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Dan G
Lift it, fat chicks cant jump!
83 Chevy shortbed 4x4: 6.0 ls powered
97 Chevy 3/4 ton ex cab 454: work horse
00 Chevy camaro: daily driver
83 Chevy 3/4 ton: dads old rig
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