So here is how my truck is looking as of today. Been slow process these last few weeks, buying a new house. Trying to get all the sanding done before we move. Also here is a pic of the shop that comes with the house (the main reason I wanted it), its 7000 sq feet and also has an office and parts room! So on my truck, I've just about solved all the air leaks but have now decided 1/2" lines at 200 psi are way to big so replacing all it with 3/8 line also I only have a 3 gallon tank and would like more air on reserve so just ordered a 5 gallon tank and plan on adding a second compressor. Body wise I have a few more hours on blocking the bed then got to paint the top of the cab the same color as my grill and bumper then I need to CLEAN my interior and reinstall my seats and center console. When I was building the truck before I was planning not to use any trim but I taped the custon cab trim on and am really starting to like it, what are yalls thoughts? And above all thanks for the compliments, its a huge motivation also watching everyones progress on their trucks keeps me wanting to finish mine!


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