Why are you using the sm465? Do you already have one?
Just curious why you would use this boat ancor when there are lots of other choices
Originally Posted by INSIDIOUS '86
I'm degreeing the cam here, I use the intake centerline method. The summit 1102 cam calls for a 107* intake centerline and I came up with 108* which accounting for inaccuracies in such that you can be a degree or two off on the crankshaft when you turn it. Either It's good enough. 
Just wondering , Shouldn't you have the rocker arms installed and take your dial indacater reading from the retainer on the intake valve?
I never seen anyone just take your reading from a lose pushrod just sitting on the lifter. Maybe something new.......
Originally Posted by INSIDIOUS '86
Been going to school full time and have only 15hrs work a week so its hard to make any progress

What grade are you in now SID?