Here's a link to the complete set of trim hole locations and an explanation of the 30" line that the upper trim locations reference:
When I added my trim to a non-trim 1970 truck, I based all of the upper trim locations off of the piece that goes on the door. With the cutout for the door lock, that was the only piece of trim that had a definite location, so I fit that piece first over the door lock and under my mirror arms and then located all of the other upper trim pieces off of that one. I used painter's tape to line them up until they looked good and then marked the holes.
The spear points at the front were pretty easy because they come right off the door trim piece and point at the upper end of the radius on the fender around the headlights.
Just watch the alignment of the upper bedside pieces because the alignment from the factory has them starting in line with the trim from the doors but angling down to meet the top corner of the taillight trim.
If you tape everything up and then step back and compare it with some factory pics it's pretty easy to see if you're off anywhere. It's not too hard to get it all lined up.
Good luck!