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Old 06-11-2013, 06:28 PM   #1
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Posts: 44
All rocker arms coming loose

All of my rocker arms are coming loose! I put a new head on my drivers side bank of my 350SBC, and had a shop adjust the valve lash. The rocker arms were coming loose, i mean all of them, so I decided to change the nuts because they were used on a previous head. Now before I even start the engine the arms come loose again. Here is what I'm doing.

I watch the rockers as i hand crank the engine, once the #1 cylinder has had both intake and exhaust open and close I put my balancer mark at TDC. Then I removed the nuts from:
Exhaust: 1,3 Intake: 1,5,7
and put new nuts on and tightened them 1 and 1/4 turn past binding of the push rod

Then did a full turn of the crank and adjusted:
Exhaust: 5,7 Intake:3

After I did this, all the rocker arms from the first adjustment were loose again.

Am I doing something wrong?
I dont want to run the engine until I am comfortable with the results

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