So here's the update. Some of you may have already seen them but I will post anyways. I got the firewall painted and the frame washed up and detailed the hoses and lines with some acrylic lacquer to get the paint off them. All of this was done with conventional spray paint. Being that its under the hood and not in sunlight it will holdup fine and is 100% better than how it looked before. Now don't worry guys I'm not doing that on the exterior, that's getting real paint. Knowing that paint work is 90% prep sure you can get great results with hairspray it just isn't that great at wearing at all in weather and sun etc..

I went to put in the manual pedals but being an automatic truck the pedal mounts aren't made to fit manual pedals so I kinda made them fit with a sawzall haha

Seeing as how I had my fun tool out I proceeded to cuss at the truck for not just "bolting together and cut a big hole in the floor haha
Just have to drill and install clips for the big hump floor pan
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