2 week update.
I am not sure on the exact miles, but he gets driven almost daily unless it is raining.
The more he gets driven the better he runs. Starts awesome and purrs like a kitten. No issues there what so ever. Knock on wood.
My heater control valve leaks when I close it. Not a huge deal, I am going to bypass it for now and order one. No need for heat for a while.
Steering is nice. I did tighten up the steering box a little bit, but I think I need to do it some more. No wandering or pulling.
Brakes are awesome. The pads are broke in now and no issues with stopping power.
Handling. Good considering the ride height and amount of travel. On some sharper edged bumps I get a tooth rattling slam. I am probably running out of travel. The back is far worse than the front. I also think the shocks I have are probably a little soft for the application. Might have to invest in some Bilsteins.
Constantly chasin rattles which is to be expected. I guess I should just turn up the radio louder.
Thanks for the inspiration and help guys. It has been a blast.
Henry is far from done, but I will be taking a break for the summer.
I sold my existing garage and on Friday some house movers are moving its new home. I have some concrete to break up and then pour a new slab. Then I will start building my dream garage. 24' x 42' with 10 sidewalls and a complete bonus room upstairs. Should be a fun project......looking forward to the added room!!