Thread: Too bad
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Old 06-13-2013, 10:59 PM   #1
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Too bad

Went out and fired up the truck this evening, I hadn't ran it in a couple of months or so. So anyway I'm sitting it the truck enjoying the sounds and smells, when all the sudden I start thinking about all this stuff I've been reading about build sheets under the seat, so I get down and start looking, and sure enough it's there, but sadly it's only bits and pieces, all dried up and brittle. I took some pieces out, but there's not much to see. There's still some more in there and maybe some more under the seat, I sure wished it was all there, but I guess you win some and you lose some.

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Going through life's daily grind, I can feel the effects of this physical body's fleeting days, But with a young spirit I look toward a brighter day, knowing that in the eyes of eternity, I am but a babe in the arms of my Lord.........
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