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Old 06-13-2013, 11:09 PM   #1
Drag Racer
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Location: Mason City, Iowa
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83 C10 - No turn signals

hey guys, i went to a local cruise in tonight knowing i had no turn signals, figured it was flasher under the dash so on the way over i bought a new flasher, no luck, so i went on to the cruise in and when i got there someone told me i had no brake lights, so at that point i checked brake fuse, and it was blown. so i replaced fuse, got brake lights back but STILL no turn signals. So i asked a fellow club member, he came over and looked things over, he checked the top flasher, and it was very hard coming out - found rust on one prong and had a "rattle" when it was shaken. tried swapping flashers around and still no luck.

I also noticed that my 4 way emergency DO work, but my directional signals do NOT work.

No clue where to go from here.

Any ideas?
Zach Hall

1983 Chevy C10

R/T: .194
60': 2.322
330: 6.379
1/8: 9.803
MPH: 71.37
1000: 12.781
1/4: 15.314
MPH: 88.79
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