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Old 06-15-2013, 04:34 PM   #10
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Re: Help, I need to replace a leaky axle seal - never done it before

I did this same fix recently on a F*rd rear end, it's not that difficult. The hardest part for me was because I was determined to change the bearings while I was there, and pulling the bearings out was difficult, my slide hammer didn't do the job.

All the difficulty surrounding differentials is setting up the ring and pinion, and you shouldn't need to mess with that, so that's good news for you.

Two possible pitfalls that can make this difficult. If it's a posi rear end, sometimes the spring can be difficult to install, I know mine was.

Here are the basic steps: Like 86c20 said, take off the rear tire and drum.

Remove the differential cover.

Remove the differential center pin (also called the pinion pin). This can be one of the tricky parts because there is a set screw that holds it in, and the set screw is often broken. Sometimes you can fish it out with a pick ( I got lucky), otherwise it will have to be drilled out. If it DOES need to be drilled, there is a kit you can buy for like $30 and it is WELL worth it because it comes with a guide and a specialty drill bit.

With the center pin out, remove the spider gears, and push the axle shaft towards the differential to expose the C-clip. Pull the c-clip and pull the axle shaft out.

Now you have access to the seal. Pull the seal, replace, and installation is the reverse. Clean the differential cover really well and install a new gasket or new RTV.
I know a little about cars, but if you have a question about electricity or sport quads, I'm your man!!!
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