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Old 06-15-2013, 07:06 PM   #6
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Re: Got the truck down street, now questions

Are you talking about a front clip to replace what you have, or what? What would you like with affordability in mind? I don't think I can justify doing more, if it will just get me and my husband back and forth to the Nifty50ee's alive, I'll be OK, but it there's any hint of danger~ I'll have to consider otherwise.

Originally Posted by Russell Ashley View Post
EXPENSIVE learning lessons. I think what you described is just a characteristic if the power steering setup that we used. I also installed 6 degree shims and it improved mine but it's still not really satisfactory to me. I have been driving my truck a good bit lately and I have made up my mind that I will dump the straight axle, just don't know exactly when.
I've spent a lot of $$ on my truck in the last couple of months and I want to install the stuff I've already bought before I make any more purchases.
'72 Ford Bronco project(July 17 2021-?)
59 Apache (sold 6-25-2021)
67 Ford Mustang (re-restored after Harvey)
1968 Jeep Cj5 (2-8-2020 to present)
1992 Jeep Yj (8-17-20 to present) (Jurassic build)
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