Re: Got the truck down street, now questions
Hi Denee,
First of all congratulations on your first and short road trip. I recently got my truck on the road also. I didn't go very far either. In May. I too have the same steering set up on Clarance J. I don't know how close our problems are but I had issues with the steering too. It made real nervous driving the truck on the street at speed. I've driven my truck thousands of miles with the stock steering and never had too much of a problem other than being stock steering. We do these up grades for whatever reasons. The way I calmed it down was to put a steering stabilizer in the mix. You have looked at most of my thread before so maybe that might help your truck. Not trying to push my thread but look from post #50 thru #63. It helped my truck maybe it will help yours. No name yet huh. The truck is looking real good . Sorry no help on the other stuff. Good luck.
You have to have patiences or you'll be one.